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Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
RSVP (Invite Only)
Woot Woot! You're on the list! If you're a member of BÆ Kickbacks, register & take this ticket to the party for free entry & a shot of your favorite drink!
$0.00General Admission
This ticket grants entry into venue. First come, first served. No discounts provided for drinks/food & photos.
$25.00+$0.63 service feeEarly Bird Discount
This ticket grants entry at a discounted rate.
$15.00+$0.38 service feeVIP Status
3 Free Shots On US! Skip the line & get your 360 Photo Booth Shoots @ a $10 discount... ON US!
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